Fear of Public Speaking

Are your speeches like Hospital Pudding?

Are your speeches like Hospital Pudding?

Speaking well should be a part of a business plan, as a part of supply chain for ideas.  Speaking in a town hall is the essence of managing the water cooler conversations for the next two weeks.  

The only reason people don't walk out on some speakers is the same reason that you eat pudding in a hospital.  You eat pudding because it's the only thing in front of you.  Given better options, that pudding would be in the garbage.

Can't be heard, even with a microphone? Losing your voice?

Can't be heard, even with a microphone? Losing your voice?

People having a hard time hearing a speaker even when they are using a microphone.  Differentiating between projection, power, and volume.

Vocal Strain, how to solve it. Racing and speaking too quickly. Concerns for public speakers who are straining their voices repeatedly or who are hard to hear even with a microphone.

Top Five Most Annoying Vocal Habits

Top Five Most Annoying Vocal Habits

Vocal Fry became popularized as being 'normal' when the Kardashians lit up the screen. Is that a problem?  Well, it's not a problem if you like the idea of your abdominal wall and pelvic floor flapping in the breeze like some lost plastic grocery bag on a windy day.  

Why are Voice Exercises so WEIRD?

Why are Voice Exercises so WEIRD?


Typically voice exercises engage intrinsic muscles and re-educate them, in relationship to producing your voice.  Most people haven’t gotten in touch with those structures since they were about 2-5 years old, so they now exist below the level of the conscious mind.  All those cute things babies do Baabaabaaa etc?  Yeah, they are trying to get a handle on how to use their body, and how to produce sound, and they are working HARD to figure it out!