“Voice Empowerment and namely Mary Michaela Weber’s techniques propelled me to become a better speaker.
She focuses on not only how we speak but how others hear us. She is a superb sounding board which allowed me to distill down some very complex ideas and thinking into to easily understood, and “ out of the box” messaging. ”
“The standing ovation I received was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. ”
“Having someone that you are comfortable with to work on the whole package of how one’s thoughts and presence translates into voice was key for me. At first I thought it would be very difficult to work on these issues, because I might sound funny or do something ‘wrong’. Mary is just very easy to work with, and never made me feel stupid if I sounded funny or made mistakes. She’s also very fun to work with and hip.”
“On the third day of meetings where the heads of various sectors of the company were reporting to the board in Ny, my speech that I had worked on with Mary Weber was the ONLY one that received applause out of the entire 3 days of meetings. Mary and I had worked up the message as well as the delivery, creating a coherent whole that the audience dove into. The results speak for themselves.”
“Camera Ready was very helpful for my ROB TV appearance. I’m convinced that having not done the work, I would have been a stressed mess. Instead, I was asked to come back by the interviewer along with a suggestion from the programming manager that they may even want me to do a series.
People who saw the segment told me that I was powerful, personable, and credible – with just the right touch of humour.
How’s that for my first TV appearance! Let’s do it again!”
“My message was watered down because I wasn’t focused on the audience or the type of audience. Breaking the Box, and my Voice Empowerment PEAK Program helped me to better identify the audience and deliver a more powerful message. Tools we developed in Breaking the Box improved my relationships with key personnel within my company.”
“Mary Michaela touched on every aspect of Presentation Coaching: voice, intonation, breathing, body movements, content, theme, and slide design. Mary is creative and personable in her approach. I was very pleased with the results from her coaching, as evidenced from the feedback I got from business associates and the high rating I received from the audience, after a presentation at a conference in Chicago. Great results. ”
“It changed the way the audience reacted to me. One of the things that we worked on was bringing the audience into the presentation. We had specific measurable results for responses that were ached. What we were trying to communicate, and the real content int eh presentation was stronger for it.”
“I was skeptical that I could really improve... I used to become blind, unable to see anything because of fear of public speaking. The other big improvement is the reduced anxiety before a presentation.
I was amazed afterwards. People told me that they were touched or moved... It is hard for me to think of myself as that kind of speaker. Speaking in public, with authenticity, has opened up more possibilities in my life professionally, and in my advocacy work.”
“Every time I have a major speaking gig coming up I depend on Mary to get me into shape. Her highly trained ear hears what I never notice and would never distinguish. She identifies where my pronunciation gets lazy, making me-rushed-and-hard-to-understand-with-words-sluring-tehter-n-impossel-tafallow. (What did he just say?)
Mary is sharp and focussed on results, training me to hear what she hears and sending me off with tools and exercises to build my volume, clarity, and especially my breath...(Inhale)... so I’m not running out...(Inhale)... of breath in the middle of a ...(Inhale)... sentence and having to take ...(Inhale)... many short breaths. ”